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Joomla 3.x Documentation


Joomla网站功能可以使用各种Joomla扩展来增强. Some of them are often used in our templates. This section will teach you how to work with custom extensions.


Acymailing - the subscription component for Joomla!

下面是管理面板中Acymailing组件的主页面. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

This is the settings page of Acymailing module. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

这是要一起安装的系统插件列表 Acymailing component:

  • plg_acymailing_contentplugin
  • plg_acymailing_managetext
  • plg_acymailing_online
  • plg_acymailing_share
  • plg_acymailing_stats
  • plg_acymailing_tablecontents
  • plg_acymailing_tagcbuser
  • plg_acymailing_tagcontent
  • plg_acymailing_tagsubscriber
  • plg_acymailing_tagsubscription
  • plg_acymailing_tagtime
  • plg_acymailing_taguser
  • plg_acymailing_template
  • plg_editors_acyeditor
  • plg_system_regacymailing

Articles Newsflash

Articles Newsflash(高级)模块是默认Joomla的增强版本 Articles Newsflash module. 除了默认的模块特性,它还提供 额外的配置选项和基于Bootstrap的模块模板.

Additional Options

Number of columns - allows to display articles in multiple columns.

Custom Link -允许您在模块内容下显示自定义链接. It 可以链接到外部URL或一些Joomla菜单项.

Pretext 允许在模块内容之前显示自定义文本.

Published Date - displays article published date.

Created by - displays article author.

Show intro images - allows to display article intro image.

Intro image align - allows to align intro images.

Articles Single

文章单是一个模块,允许您输出一篇文章到所需的 position.

The only unusual option in this module is Custom Link. It allows you to display the custom link under the module content. It can be linked to the external URL or to some Joomla menu item.


CarouFredSel是一个图像轮播模块开发的默认组合 Joomla文章flash模块和CarouFredSel jQuery插件.


  1. Carousel direction
  2. Item width
  3. Visible items
  4. Animation options
  5. Navigation and controls

CarouFredSel plugin has many more configuration options. If you want to add your options, you can edit \modules\mod_caroufredsel\tmpl\default.php file.

Googlemap plugin

Googlemap -插件,允许显示谷歌地图.

这是在管理面板的Googlemap插件的主页面. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

Image Swoop

“Image Swoop”模块是一款出色的响应式滑块 结合了默认的Joomla“Articles Newsflash”模块和免费的open source jQuery plugin “Camera Slideshow”. It works perfectly on desktop and iOs or Android mobile devices. Compatible with all modern browsers starting from IE8.

“Image Swoop”模块有各种配置选项,您可以通过 opening the Image Swoop module in the Extensions > Module Manager section of your Joomla administration panel. All the main "Camera Slideshow" jQuery plugin 可以在模块设置区域配置选项.

将鼠标光标悬停在选项标题上以查看其描述. You can also 了解更多关于相机幻灯片的jQuery插件选项 official website


组件,允许创建一个完整的照片画廊基于 Joomla!

Here is the main page of JoomGallery component. Feel free to check more details at the official website. In addition, there is a JoomFancybox 插件,必须安装,以便与组件一起工作.

Joomla Cookie Directive Plugin

Joomla Cookie指令插件-允许显示包含 message about using cookies.

这里你可以看到Joomla Cookie指令插件的主要设置. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

Joomla Social Login

Joomla社交登录-组件,允许显示登录按钮的社会 network accounts.

在这里你可以看到Joomla Social Login的主要设置. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

Komento Comments

Komento is a comments component for Joomla. It allows you to add comments to Joomla articles.

控件中的Joomla管理面板可以访问Komento组件 Components > Komento section.

To access configuration settings go to Components > Komento > Integrations and click Articles.

使用组件设置,您可以为特定类别和Joomla启用注释 articles, add captcha, user profiles, etc. You can learn more about Komento on the official website.

我们的模板只包含标准版本的Komento. To get access to 额外的功能,并获得完整的支持服务的衙门扩展我们 recommend to purchase Komento Professional. Full list of features available here.

Kunena Forum

Kunena is a forum component for Joomla. It allows you to implement a fully functional forum based on the Joomla CMS.

控件下的Joomla管理面板可以访问Kunena组件 Components -> Kunena menu.

有关Kunena组件使用和配置的更多信息,请访问 official website.

SW Facebook Display

SW Facebook显示-允许显示“Facebook Like Box”的模块.

在这里你可以看到主要的SW Facebook显示设置. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

SW Pinterest Display

SW Pinterest显示-模块,允许显示“Pinterest板小部件”.

在这里你可以看到主要的SW Pinterest显示设置. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

SW Twitter Display

SW Twitter显示——允许显示“Twitter Widget”的模块.

在这里你可以看到主要的SW Twitter显示设置. Feel free to check more details at the official website.

TM Addthis

TM Addthis -插件,允许显示社会“分享”按钮 .

在这里你可以看到TM Addthis插件的主要设置. Enter the ID of your profile in the profile ID field. 为了获得配置文件ID,您需要注册一个 account and create the profile at the following page

TM Ajax Contact Form Module

TM Ajax Contact Form是Joomla引擎的一个联系人表单模块. This module allows to add contact form on any Joomla page. Data sending is being performed using AJAX requests, so the page is not getting reloaded

Module settings allow to add 防止僵尸(reCaptcha),设置联系人表单字段,他们的标签,设置 收件人的电子邮件地址,添加抄送地址,错误和成功 messages. You can see the full list of the settings below.

此模块设置允许您管理所有表单构造函数, so you can add fields of any type (text, email, checkbox, textarea). Due to this, form can be customized up to your needs.

TM Ajax Style Switcher Module

TM Ajax Style Switcher Module -是允许通过前端切换配色方案的模块. The module 自动应用当前主题的color_schemes\css\文件夹中的配色方案.

在管理面板中没有任何特定的模块设置,它包含标准模块 configuration.

请注意,在模板现场演示中,模块在预览模式下工作,使用 cookies. 在实际的网站上,该模块工作在一个完整的模式,它是只提供给授权用户 with the SuperAdmin rights.

TM Instagram

TM Instagram -允许显示“Instagram小部件”的模块

Here you can see the main TM Instagram settings. Enter the Instagram profile name in 在Instagram用户名字段中,在“数量”中输入所需的图像数量 字段,在名为your的字段中设置您的Instagram应用程序的ID Instagram CLIENT ID. In order to get the ID, follow the link where you need to register an account. Then, follow this link and create the application. 之后,您将在您看到的地方获得应用程序数据 the CLIENT ID.

TM Olark live chat module

TM Olark is a live chat module for Joomla.

在一般设置中,您应该添加网站标识符,该标识符将在之后显示 registration and filling in all the details at

Our company provides you with "Bronze" 6 months package for free. Use the following link to register.

TM Youtube background video module

TM Youtube背景视频是一个模块,用于添加背景Youtube视频到您的网站.

  1. Youtube video link;
  2. Video playback settings;
  3. Mobile display settings;
  4. ”Play/Stop” button settings.

在我们的模板TM Youtube背景视频内容是通过加载某些模块或位置呈现的, for example, "{loadmodule articles_single, About us}". In order to prevent Error 404 on your website, 请确保加载的模块名称与模块名称一致, specified for loading. In this case, 应该发布"About us"模块,模块名中不应包含多个空格. 你可以在。中了解更多关于loadmodule/loadposition的信息 official website.